Tuesday 29 May 2012

Disadvantages of technology

In the year of 2012, there are many types of technology that have advanced which beyond human capability. Examples of this technologies are smartphones, tablet, the super fast internet access which is Unifi and television that can be used as a computer. As you can see on the left are some examples of smartphone.

Do you have a moment that you think the disadvantages of technology? It is true that the technology nowadays are advanced which brings benefit to us but do remember that everything that have goods also have bad. Here are the disadvantages of technology :-
 -Technology makes life more complex. 
- Sweatshops and harsher forms of slavery are more likely to be found in technologically advanced societies, relative to primitive societies. 
- The increasing oppression of technologically advanced societies over those which are not. 
- More people are starving (in total numbers and per-capita), in this most technologically advanced age, than at any other point in history or primitive pre-history. 
- The increase in transportation technology has brought stressful traffic congestion in some areas. 
- Technicism 
- New forms of danger existing as a consequence of innovative forms of technology, new types of nuclear reactors, unforeseen genetic mutations as the result of genetic engineering, or perhaps something more subtle which can destroy the ozone or warm the planet. 
- Potentially devestating nuclear weapons become more powerful and proliferation is made evermore easy with communication and transportation advancements. This leads to socially stressful military concepts like mutually assured destruction. The duck and cover drills accompany other lifestyle aspects of an advanced technological society. 
- New forms of entertainment, such as video games and internet access could have possible social effects on areas such as academic performance. 
- Creates new diseases and disorders such as obesity, laziness and a loss of personality. 
-computer virus and bug 
-privacy and stolen copy right 
-make part of people over concentrate on computering, then lost of friendly and face to face communication chance. Bad for eye watching if over look for long time 
-no physical stock, easy buy fake product and cheating by people 
- people will lose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them 
- machines and robots are too complex for most people to us.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_disadvantages_of_technology_today#ixzz1wGe8OBxk

I think it is not wrong to use this technologies but we have to put a boundary so that we do not use this technologies for inappropriate things. We can fully utilize the benefits that we can get for our life and thankful that this technologies can help us.

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