Monday 28 May 2012


Before we start doing something, we should start with bismillah. So here I go  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. First of all, this is the first time I create a blog, my own peronal blog. It feels quite exciting because I am doing something new. Inspired by creating a new blog I give the title of this blog the life that should be because in life we should try something new or getting out our comfort zone so that we can know the meaning of life itself. Owh... I forgot to introduce myself. My name that been given to me by my parents is Mohamad Shadeeq Bin Sharun. I born at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang which the date was 18 April 1992. I am just an ordinary person that will do extraordinary things. As the picture below shows that from the left is my father Sharun Supian, next that will be me, my older brother Mohamad Shahreel Bin Sharun, my mom Sharifah Norizan Bt Syed Ahmad, my sister Siti Shaheera Bt Sharun and lastly my younger brother Mohamad Shaheen Bin Sharun.

 I studied a SK (2) Simpang Lima, Klang from the year 1999 to 2004 then I continued my secondary at SMK Shahbandaraya from the year 2005 to 2009. Then, I continued doing my diploma at Uitm Kuala Terengganu in Business Studies for three semester because I got the offer for doing fast track which means I jump to doing degree in International Business. I like to play futsal just like other boys. When I play, the feel of excitement when our team playing is something that cannot be describe into words. I also like to do others outdoor activities such as badminton, bowling and many more. So here a video of football that inspired me. Enjoy...

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